Thursday 25 September 2014

Car Race Animation

Car Race Animation

In this animation i first inserted a picture of an already saved image of a car. I dragged this image from the side of the screen in to the frame and drew over it using the brush tool. I then selected the drawing and converted it into a symbol so when i moved it it would all move together, rather than the individual brush strokes. After I finished this I deleted the initial image of a car and then duplicated the image of the car and placed it into a different layer so that i could make them move at different speeds, and placed it above the first car. I then added a motion tween, where i dragged the image of the car across to where i wanted it to end up and decided how long i wanted it to take to get there. I did this again for the second car, and chose to give it more time to move across the screen, making it seem like the first car was faster than the second car. Then on another layer i added a background for the cars so they looked like they were on a road rather than just floating in mid air. I did achieve persistence of vision in this because the motion tween allowed the cars to move smoothly through the screen. The motion tween is not always the right thing to use though, because it makes the object move smoothly whereas a human for example would not move smoothly and would move there arms and legs around more.

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